TK meet Eppy Gibbon – album preview and interview

With the band living in different countries, and each balancing busy schedules, we don’t get to see as much of each other as we’d like. However, Thomas’s recent visit to the UK a couple of weeks ago gave us the chance to spend some time together, and all three of us got the rare and wonderful opportunity to be interviewed together.

Episode 267 (or should that be ‘eppysode’!) of the Eppy Gibbon Podcast Music Show is available to stream right now, and features Thieves’ Kitchen in conversation with Eppy himself, Ian Fairholm. We play a few of our favourite songs by other artists, and also reveal three of the five tracks from Genius Loci, played in full.


We had a really great time recording the interview, and although talking at length about ourselves still feels a bit weird after all these years, Ian plied the three of us with tea and kindness, and the time flew by like we were having a friendly chat in the pub. Afterwards, we did in fact go for a friendly chat in the pub!

The show can be streamed via Mixcloud or, if you’d prefer, downloaded from Put the kettle on and settle down for a nice long listen! The tracklist and further information can be found on the Eppy Gibbon podcast page.